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the Chu research group





Qianli Rick Chu


Group Members












Organic Chemistry II (Chem 342)

Course Description: Designed for science and pre-professional students, Chem 342 is a continuation of Chem 341. Chem 342 covers basics of organic spectroscopy, chemistry of carbonyl compounds, arenes, amines, and some other important types of organic compounds.

Objectives: The main goal is to learn the principles of organic chemistry, including 1) preparation and characterization of organic compounds; 2) their physical and chemical properties; 3) the relationship between structure and reactivity.

Prerequisite: Chem 341 and Chem 341L; a grade of C or higher in these classes are required.

Co-requisite: Chem 342L, if you are not registered for Chem 342L, you will be dropped from Chem 342 unless you can show documentation of a previous letter grade in an equivalent organic laboratory course.

Spring 2018 Syllabus

Advanced Organic Chemistry III (Chem 522)

Course Description: Designed for organic graduate students, Chem 522 covers aromatic and heterocyclic chemistry, concerted reactions and cycloadditions, photochemistry and organometallic chemistry.

Prerequisite: Chem 520 or Chem 521; a grade of C or higher in these classes are recommended. 

Spring 2014 Syllabus


Students can check their scores on Blackboard: Syllabus, lectures, problem sets, handouts, announcements, and other pertinent documents and information will be available on Blackboard.
















The University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND 58202
Send questions/comments about this web site to the Dr. Qianli Rick Chu.
Tel: 701-777-3941

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